There are three items today:
The 2013 ISWI/MAGDAS School will be conducted in the nation of Cote d'Ivoire this year September. First Circular is attached.
The host of this school is
The SID monitor is an ISWI instrument (see the ISWI website for more details). SID monitors have been deployed throughout the world. Attached is a report written by a high school student who used the SID monitor for a science project. The report is remarkable, as is the project. A short excerpt:
Preface: Amongst the instruments distributed through the ISWI are the SID space weather monitors. Designed to detect changes to the ionosphere caused by solar activity, these monitors are being distributed to high school and early college students around the world. Over 700 instruments have been placed, and requests continue to come in.
Finally, attached is a fine report by Dr C. Amory-Mazaudier about space research in Africa during the years 2007-2012. The abstract goes like this:
Abstract This article presents the results of a research network Europe Africa established in 1995 after the International Electrojet Equatorial Year (1992-1994). During the last decade, this research network has been involved in two international projects: the International Heliophysical Year (2007-2009) and International Space Weather Initiative (2010-2012). The participation in these international projects increased the number of PhD and multiplied the number of scientific papers. Many scientific results have been obtained. Teaching and working methods have been also developed. We emphasize in this article the last two points.
(1) First Circular 2013 MAGDAS/ISWI School in Africa, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, September 23-27, 2013 )
(2) Anthony Bisulco Real Time Solar Flare Analysis Commack High School (New York, USA) science project, )
(3) C. Amory-Mazaudier, R. Fleury Space Research in Africa Some Achievements from 2007 to 2012 )
If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.