As reported in Vol. 4, No. 34, of the ISWI Newsletter (this newsletter), SERC (Space Environment Research Center) became ICSWSE (International Center for Space Weather Science and Education) on 01 April 2012. ICSWSE is pronounced as "iku-sei" as the acronym ICSWSE is too difficult to pronounce as is.
With this organization change, there is no immediate major change in the mission of this international center. But changes will occur and they will be discussed in future issues of this newsletter, as ICSWSE is the publisher of this newsletter. It is published under the auspices of the United Nations (see Vol. 1, No. 1, of this newsletter).
A major activity ICSWSE will continue to be Capacity Building in the field of Space Weather Research and Education. However, an equally important mission of ICSWSE is the maintenance and expansion of the MAGDAS global network of real time magnetometers. This network is Japan's most significant contribution to the current International Space Weather Initiative (2010-2012). One of ISWI's leading goals is to expand ground observation so that much more and much better space weather research can be conducted throughout the world. In doing so, the next generation of space weather researchers can be nurtured. ("iku-sei" is the Japanese word for "to nurture".)
Attached is a photo report of MAGDAS work recently performed at Jayapura and Biak -- both in Indonesia -- see map on Page 1 of this photo report. This photo report was assembled by one of the members of the MAGDAS Team. His name is Huzaimy and his Personal Profile can be seen in Vol. 3, No. 10, of this newsletter. He is from Malaysia. He is working on his Phd here at ICSWSE.
Other members of the MAGDAS Team for Jayapura and Biak were:
(1) Dr S. Abe -- Member of the Staff, ICSWSE.
(2) Mr H. Matsushita -- then a 4th-year undergrad of Kyushu University.
(Now, a 1st-year masters student)
In the attached photo report, Pages 1-6 cover Jayapura work (16-18 March 2012) while Pages 7-13 cover the work performed at Biak (18-20 March).
The main purpose of the visit to Jayapura was to install a MAGDAS 9 unit there. The site belongs to BMKG (Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysical Department), which is more or less the weather bureau of the Government of Indonesia.
At Jayapura, the MAGDAS Team received a great deal of help from the local BMKG staff: Mr Petrus (Head of Jayapura station), and Mr Cahyo Nugroho (Head of Information and Observation Section of Jayapura station). Also, an immense amount of help was provided by representatives from LAPAN (National Institute of Aeronautics and Space): (1) Mr Mamat Ruhimat and (2) Mr Tanto. Both are attached to the Bandung Office of LAPAN; LAPAN is the space agency of Indonesia.
The main purpose of the visit to Biak was to upgrade it to real time status by installing a MAG-II system, which was hand carried from Japan. Thanks to the generous support of the local staff, the work was successfully carried out. This site belongs to LAPAN, and the head of the LAPAN station is Ir Ichsan. Mr Mamat and Mr Tanto also supported the work performed at Biak.
ICSWSE thanks all the Indonesians who helped at Jayapura and Biak.
Terima kasih.
Kind and warm regards, George Maeda Editor of ISWI Newsletter Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan. |
(1) photo report MAGDAS works at Jayapura and Biak (Indonesia) for ISWI 16 – 22 March 2012 )