ISWI Newsletter - Vol.3 No.39
05 April 2011

Dear ISWI Participant:

The attached item comes from Dr Hans Haubold (UNOOSA at Vienna, Austria) with the following comments: "I recall that Professor Yumoto was thinking about using small satellites for space weather research. The UN Programme on Space Applications implements ISWI through the line of action ISWI/GNSS/ICG. Our programme has actually three initiatives: HSTI focusing on ISS, BSTI focusing on small satellites, and ISWI focusing on space weather. The attached paper is illuminating the link between ISWI + BSTI + HSTI. Very interesting! " [end of quote].

For tomorrow: "April2011 IRGGEA Letter", from Dr Christine Amory in France.

Most cordially yours,
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter
Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan.


(1) "The International Space Station as a Launch Platform for CubeSats to Study Space Weather", Charles SWENSON, Chad FISH, Erik STROMBERG, Bryan BINGHAM, Phillip ANDERSON 714 Kb pdf, 6 pages, (click )

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