ALGERIA | Omar HAMMOU ALI | IBN Khaldoun University, TIARET Algeria Faculty of Life and Nature Sciences Earth Sciences Department |
ARGENTINA | Maria Graciela MOLINA ----------------------------- Sergio DASSO | Tucumán Space Weather Center, FACET, UNT - CONICET ------------------------------------------- Laboratorio Argentino de Meteorología del esPacio, LAMP - IAFE (UBA-CONICET) & DCAO (FCEN, UBA) |
ARMENIA | Ashot CHILINGARIAN -------------------------- Tigran KARAPETYAN | Cosmic Ray Division, Alikhanyan Physics Institute, A.Alikhanyan National Laboratory, Yerevan |
AUSTRALIA Regional coordinator for Asia | Richard MARSHALL | Space Weather Services, Bureau of Meteorology |
AUSTRIA | Christian Möstl | Austrian Space Weather Office |
AZERBAIJAN | Elchin S. BABAYEV | Baku State University, Baku |
BELGIUM | Erwin DE DONDER | Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy |
BENIN | Adebiyi Joseph ADECHINAN | University of ABOMEY-CALAVI |
BRAZIL | Jean-Pierre RAULIN | Presbyterian Mackenzie University, Sao Paulo |
BULGARIA | Simeon ASENOVSKI | Space Research and Technology Institute |
BURKINA FASO | Jean-Louis ZERBO | Université Nazi BONI |
CAMEROON | Honoré MESSANGA | Higher Technical Teacher Training College/ Department of Geomatics, University of Ebolowa |
CANADA | Ian MANN | Department of Physics, University of Alberta |
CHINA | LUO Bingxian | State Key Laboratory of Solar Activity and Space Weather, National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
CONGO | Bienvenu DINGA | Ministry of Scientific Research, National Institute of Research in Exact and Natural Sciences (IRSEN), Brazzaville |
RD CONGO | Bruno KAHINDO | Universite de KINSHASA, Faculte Polytechnique, Kinshasa |
CHAD | Mahamat Nour ALI | Department Physics, University of N'Djamena |
COSTA RICA | Carolina Salas MATAMOROS | Center of Space Research, Universidad de Costa Rica |
COTE D'IVOIRE | Franck GRODJI | Laboratoire de Physique de l'Atmosphere, Universite de Cocody |
CZECH REPUBLIC | Dalia BURESOVA | Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences |
CROATIA | Dragan ROŠA | Observatory in Zagreb |
ECUADOR | Ericsson LOPEZ | Observatorio Astronomico de Quito, Interior del Parque La Alameda |
EGYPT | Ayman MAHROUS | Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) |
ETHIOPIA | Melessew NIGUSSIE | Dept. of Physics, Bahir Dar University |
FINLAND | IIja HONKONEN | Finnish Meteorological Institute, Earth Observation |
FRANCE | Frederic PITOUT | IRAP /Toulouse |
GEORGIA | Bidzina SHERGELASHVILI | Centre for Computational Helio Studies at Ilia State University and Evgeni Kharadze Georgian National Astrophysical Observatory |
GERMANY Regional coordinator for Europe | Daniela BANYŚ | German Aerospace Center (DLR) |
GHANA | Solomon LOMOTEY | University of Environment and Sustainability Development (UESD), PMB, Somanya |
GREECE | Alexander NINDOS | University of Ioannina |
GUINEA CONAKRY | René TATO LOUA | Direction Nationale de la Météorologie Guinée |
HUNGARY | Judit MURAKÖZY | Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory of Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
INDIA | Nandita SRIVASTAVA | Udaipur Solar Observatory, Physical Research Laboratory, Udaipur, Rajasthan |
INDONESIA | Dhani HERDIWIJAYA | Department of Astronomy Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB); Bandung |
IRAQ | Habeeb ALLAWI | University of Thi-Qa, Nasryia |
IRELAND | Peter GALLAGHER | School of Physics, Trinity College, Dublin |
ISRAEL | Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University | |
ITALY | Yenca Olivia MIGOYA-ORUE ----------------------------- Vincenzo ROMANO | The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) ----------------------------- Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) |
JORDAN | Hanna SABAT | Institute of Astronomy and Space Science, Al Al Bayte University, Mafraq |
KAZAKHSTAN | Olga KRYAKUNOVA | Institute of Ionosphere, Almaty |
KENYA | Paul BAKI ----------------------------- Joseph OLWENDO | Technical University of Kenya, Nairobi ----------------------------- Pwani University, Kilifi-Kenya |
KUWAIT | Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kuwait University |
LEBANON | Department of Physics & Astronomy, Notre-Dame University, Louaize | |
LIBYA | Libyan Remote Sensing and Space Center | |
MALAYSIA | Tuan Haji Azlikamil NAPIAH -------------------------- Kamaruzzaman WAHID | Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA) Ministry of Science, Technology and Inovation (MOSTI) Kuala Lumpur |
MEXICO Regional Coordinator for AMERICAS | Luis Xavier GONZÁLEZ-MÉNDEZ | Instituto de Geofisica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
MONGOLIA | Damdin BATMUNKH | Institute of Astronomy & Geophysics, Mongolian Academy of Sciences |
MOROCCO | Aziza BOUNHIR | University Mohammed V, Rabat |
NEPAL | Krishna Prasad BHANDARI ---------------------------- Narayan Prasad CHAPAGAIN | Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering, Pokhara --------------------------------------- Amrit Campus, Thamel, Kathmandu |
NIGER | Saidou MADOUGOU | Department of Physique ENS University Abou Moumouni of Niamey |
NIGERIA Regional Coordinator for AFRICA | A. Babatunde RABIU | United Nations African Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education – English, UN-ACSSTEE, Obafemi Awolowo University Campus |
NORWAY | Kjellmar OKSAVIK | Department of Physics and Technology, University of Bergen |
OMAN | Physics Dept./College of Science, Sultan Qaboos University, Al-Khoud |
PAKISTAN | Nadia IMTIAZ | Theoretical Physics Division, PINSTECH |
PALESTINE | Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem | |
PERU | Walter R. GUEVARA DAY | University of San Marcos Department of Space Physics, Faculty of Physical Sciences, San Marcos University, Lima |
PHILIPPINES | Clint BENNETT | Manila Observatory |
POLAND | Marek STĘŚLICKI | Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences |
PORTUGAL | Teresa BARATA | Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço - IA |
PUERTO RICO | NAIC/Arecibo University, Arecibo | |
QATAR | Chairman of Astronomy Department, Qatar Science Club | |
ROMANIA | Diana BESLIU-IONESCU | Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy Str. Cutitul de Argint 5, 040557 Bucharest |
RUSSIA | Geliy Alexandrovich ZHEREBTSOV | Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS |
RWANDA | Jean UWAMAHORO | Kigali Institute of Education Faculty of Science Maths & Physics |
SAUDI ARABIA | Astronomy, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah | |
SENEGAL | Idrissa GAYE | Thies University |
SERBIA | Nikola VESELINOVIC | Low Background Laboratory for Nuclear Physics, Belgrade |
SRI LANKA | D.D.GL. DAHANAYAKA | Open University of Sri Lanka |
SLOVAKIA | Ivan DOROTOVIC | Slovak Central Observatory, Hurbanovo |
SOUTH KOREA | Kyung Suk CHO | Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), Daejeon |
SPAIN | Consuelo CID | Universidad de Alcala |
SUDAN | Magdi Elfadil YOUSIF SULIMAN | Sudan University of Science and Technology; College of Aviation |
SWEDEN | Hermann OPGENOORTH | Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala Division |
SWITZERLAND | André CSILLAGHY | University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Campus Brugg-Windisch |
THAILAND | Sittiporn CHANNUMSIN -------------------------- Pornchai SUPNITHI | Director of Space Technology Research Center , GISTDA ---------------------------- Head of Thai GNSS and Space Weather Information Data Center, Faculty of Engineering, KMITL |
TUNISIA | Ahmed AMMAR | ESPRIT School of Engineering, Tunis. University of Tunis El Manar, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Department of Physics, Laboratory of Atomic Molecular Spectroscopy & Application (LSAMA) |
TURKEY | Ali KILCIK | Akdeniz University Faculty of Science Department of Space Science and Technologies, 07058, Antalya |
UGANDA | Patrick MUNGUFENI | Muni University, Arua |
UKRAINE | Oleg LITVINENKO | Institute of Radio Astronomy NASU |
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | United Arab Emirates University, Sharjah |
UNITED KINGDOM | Claire FOULLON | Centre for Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics University of Exeter |
URUGUAY | Gonzalo TANCREDI | Depto. Astronomía, Fac. Ciencias, Udelar |
UZBEKISTAN | Shukhrat EGAMBERDIEV | Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute |
VIETNAM | Lan THAI HOANG -------------------- Minh LE HUY | Institute of Geophysics, VAST |
YEMEN | Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Sanaa University | |
ZAMBIA | Patrick SIBANDA | Department of Physics, School of Natural Sciences, University of Zambia, Lusaka |