Dear ISWI Participant:
This newsletter has been published since 2009 under a mandate from the
United Nations (see page 3 of Vol.1, Issue No. 1 See also the Newsletter Archives at the ISWI website maintained by Mitko of Bulgaria).
We now have over 460 subscribers all of the world. I thank you for your continuous support since 2009, and I ask for your support in the coming new year. In particular, please send in material for publication. I will publish any material related to space weather.
If you submit material, it should be a single pdf under 3MB in size. It should have a good mix of text and pictures (say, half and half). It should be written in clear English. Reports about observatories and observation campaigns are especially welcome.
[1] "New Space Weather Activities in China", Dr Chi Wang (read it)
[2] Manila Observatory appoints new Executive Director (read it)
[3] First announcement "UN/US Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative: The Decade after the International Heliophysical Year 2007" Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, July 31÷August 4, 2017 (read it)
[4] School report for "The SCOSTEP/ISWI International School on Space Science", Nov 2016, India (read it)
[5] Season's Greetings from the ISWI Executive Director (read it)
[1] New Space Weather Activities in China
(Sent in by Chi Wang)
[2] Manila Observatory appoints new Executive Director
Dr. Antonio G. M. La Vina succeeded Ms. Antonia Yulo-Loyzaga as Executive Director of Manila Observatory last 1 October 2016.
This article contains the following:
(1) News about the appointment of the new MO Executive Director,
(2) message of the Executive Director,
(3) the new frontiers faced by the Manila Observatory with the launching
of Philippine microsatellite Diwata-1 and the drafting of new laws on the establishment of the Philippine Space Agency, and
(4) the story of Manila Observatory’s beginnings in an abandoned pigeon house.
(Sent in by Sugon of MO )
[3] First announcement "UN/US Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative"
Boston College, MA, July 31÷August 4, 2017
First Announcement
This workshop marks the 10th anniversary of the International Heliophysical Year, which led to the genesis of the International Space Weather Initiative. It is organized in the framework of the Basic Space Science Initiative of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications to highlight the achievements made over the past ten years and to show-case the worldwide development of science, capacity building, and outreach. The UN Workshops on ISWI have been aimed at providing a global forum for space weather experts from developed and developing countries, including representatives of the major instrument operators and data providers. In particular the Workshop will focus on recent advances made in scientific research by utilizing ISWI instrument data in conjunction with space mission data in adding significant new knowledge on space weather phenomena near Earth and interplanetary space.
The workshop will begin with a high level international forum on the economic and societal effects of extreme space weather. This forum will include keynote speakers from major international organizations followed by a panel session to discuss issues and policies for acknowledging space weather as a global challenge.
The workshop is also held in preparation for UNISPACE+50 in 2018, the 50th anniversary of the first UN Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE), held in Vienna in 1968. The three components of the Workshop will also help develop a coherent international policy towards an appropriate response to space weather.
More details on this workshop will be coming soon. For additional information contact Patricia Doherty (patricia.doherty[at] or Nat Gopalswamy (nat.gopalswamy[at]
(Sent in by N. Gopalswamy)
[4] School report for "The SCOSTEP/ISWI International School on Space Science", Nov 2016, India
For the school report please see this pdf: (34 pages)
More photos of the school can be found at <Google Drive>
(Sent in by N. Gopalswamy)
(1) Chi Wang, "New Space Weather Activities in China", 405 KB pdf, two pages (click )
(2) New messages from Manila Observatory, 1 850 KB pdf, 3 pages (click )
(3) First announcement "UN/US Workshop on ISWI" Boston College, July 31÷August 4, 2017,
87 KB pdf, one page (click )
(4) School report for "The SCOSTEP/ISWI International School on Space Science",
Nov 2016, India, 2 840 KB pdf, 34 pages (click )
(5) Season's Greetings from the ISWI Executive Director, 364 KB pdf, one page (click )