ISWI Newsletter - Vol.4 No.70
22 June 2012

Dear ISWI Participant:

I would like to remind all of you of the following deadlines, especially the deadline for UN/Ecuador Workshop on ISWI :

UN/Ecuador Workshop on ISWI (Ecuador, 8-12 Oct. 2012) Deadline for Abstract and Travel Support is 30 June. For details: ISWI Newsletter - Vol. 4, Num. 56 and Vol. 4, Num. 61,
this site (click here), or go directly to the workshop website:, you can register immediately on UNOOSA WEB-site (click here)

7th IAGA/ICMA/CAWSES Workshop (Argentina, 11-14 Sept. 2012) Deadline for Abstract and Financial Support is 25 June. For details: ISWI Newsletter - Vol. 4, Num. 31, this site (click here)

Logo Contest for ICSWSE (200 USD Prize for Best Design) Deadline for entries is 31 August 2012. For details: ISWI Newsletter - Vol. 4, Num. 68 this site (click here).

Int'l AGU Chapman Conference (Ethiopia, 12-16 Nov. 2012) Deadline for Abstracts is 12 July. For details: ISWI Newsletter - Vol. 4, Num. 64.

4th Int'l HEPPA Workshoop in conjunction with SPARC/SOLARIS. (Boulder, Colorado, USA, 9-12 Oct. 2012) Deadline for abstract and registration is 17 Aug. For details ISWI Newsletter - Vol. 4, Num. 60.

Note that all issues of the "ISWI Newsletter" are archived at the official ISWI website (this site) Click on "Publications", and then on "Newsletter Archive". This website is maintained by Mitko and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Their support is much appreciated by the publisher of the ISWI Newsletter, Prof. K. Yumoto.

T G I F,
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter
Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan.

If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.